Cymraeg |
English |
Dwi angen coffi yn y bora |
I need coffee in the morning |
i ddeffro'n llygaid trwm. |
to awaken my heavy eyes. |
So ga'i coffi yn y bora, |
So I'll get coffee in the morning, |
ma mhen i'n teimlo'n llwm. |
my head's feeling dreary. |
Dwi'n disgyn allan o ngwely, |
I fall out of my bed, |
rhoid y teciall mlaen yn syth. |
put the kettle on at once. |
Agor pacad ffresh o goffi, |
Open a fresh packet of coffee, |
arogl yn un wych! |
the smell so magnificent! |
Coffi du, coffi du, |
Black coffee, black coffee, |
tyd a coffi du i mi. |
give me black coffee. |
Coffi du, coffi du, |
Black coffee, black coffee, |
'cos dwisho coffi du cryf. |
'cause I want a strong black coffee. |
Coffi du, coffi du, |
Black coffee, black coffee, |
tyd a coffi du i mi. |
give me black coffee. |
Coffi du, coffi du, |
Black coffee, black coffee, |
'cos dwisho coffi du cryf. |
'cause I want a strong black coffee. |
Dwi'n rhedag trwy y drws, |
I run out the door, |
a mwg o goffi yn fy llaw. |
a mug of coffee in my hand. |
Ma' rhaid mi yfad yn y car, |
I have to drink in the car, |
dwi fod yn gwaith erbyn naw. |
I'm meant to be at work by nine. |
Coffi yn fy ngwaed |
Coffee in my blood |
am fod y mwg yn dod i'w ben. |
because the mug is coming to an end. |
Mae o'n cylch-redeg a tynhau, |
It runs circuits and tightens, |
ac yn carlamu at fy mhen! |
and races to my head! |
Coffi du, coffi du, |
Black coffee, black coffee, |
tyd a coffi du i mi. |
give me black coffee. |
Coffi du, coffi du, |
Black coffee, black coffee, |
'cos dwisho coffi du cryf. |
'cause I want a strong black coffee. |
Coffi du, coffi du, |
Black coffee, black coffee, |
tyd a coffi du i mi. |
give me black coffee. |
Coffi du, coffi du, |
Black coffee, black coffee, |
'cos dwisho coffi du cryf. |
'cause I want a strong black coffee. |
Dwi'n eistedd wrth fy ngwaith, |
I sit at my work, |
mae'r effaith yn lleihau. |
the effect wanes. |
Hen bryd cael coffi arall |
It's time for another coffee |
i gadw cysglyd fi ar fae. |
to keep sleepiness at bay. |
Dwi'n headio lawr i gegin gefn, |
I head down to the back kitchen, |
rhaid bod 'na goffi - genai ffydd! |
there must be coffee there - I have faith! |
O neith hi goffi neu ddau arall, |
Oh I'll need one or two more mugs of coffee, |
cyn i mi weld diwedd y dydd. |
before I see the end of the day. |
Coffi du, coffi du, |
Black coffee, black coffee, |
tyd a coffi du i mi. |
give me black coffee. |
Coffi du, coffi du, |
Black coffee, black coffee, |
'cos dwisho coffi du cryf. |
'cause I want a strong black coffee. |
Coffi du, coffi du, |
Black coffee, black coffee, |
tyd a coffi du i mi. |
give me black coffee. |
Coffi du, coffi du, |
Black coffee, black coffee, |
'cos dwisho coffi du cryf. |
'cause I want a strong black coffee. |
'Dydd 'di dod i ben, |
The day has come to an end, |
a dwi methu dod i lawr. |
and I can't get back down. |
Dwi'n troi a throsi yn fy gwely, |
I toss and turn in my bed, |
o tydi cysgu ddim yn hawdd. |
oh sleeping isn't easy. |
Dwi'n goro deffro yn y bora, |
I have to wake up in the morning, |
dwi'n goro mynd yn ol i ngwaith. |
I have to go back to my work. |
Ond diolch byth gynai goffi |
But thank goodness that I have coffee |
i yfad ar y daith! |
to drink on the journey! |
Coffi du, coffi du, |
Black coffee, black coffee, |
tyd a coffi du i mi. |
give me black coffee. |
Coffi du, coffi du, |
Black coffee, black coffee, |
'cos dwisho coffi du cryf. |
'cause I want a strong black coffee. |
Coffi du, coffi du, |
Black coffee, black coffee, |
tyd a coffi du i mi. |
give me black coffee. |
Coffi du, coffi du, |
Black coffee, black coffee, |
'cos dwisho coffi du cryf. |
'cause I want a strong black coffee. |
Coffi du, coffi du... |
Black coffee, black coffee... |
Coffi du, coffi du, |
Black coffee, black coffee, |
tyd a coffi du i mi. |
give me black coffee. |
Coffi du, coffi du, |
Black coffee, black coffee, |
'cos dwisho coffi du cryf... |
'cause I want a strong black coffee... |